Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pass the Sketchup

Yesterday I put together the legs for that little table I've been working on and I think it's turning out pretty well. A couple more coats of oil and then I'll paper the kumiko frame and put a piece of glass to act as a table top.

On a completely different note I wanted to describe a setting in Google Sketchup that I Iike. I use sketchup for my CAD because 1) I'm a Mac user and there is approximately zero good Mac CAD software, and 2) It's free! So when you draw things they normally end up looking like this:

Which is nice, but kind of static and too computery, too perfect perhaps. So there's this setting under the styles menu that let's you render the image with a marker, hand-drawn style that looks really, well, hand-drawn.

I don't know what it is exactly, but the marker style just seems a little nicer to me. More fluid, not some rigid computer generated thing. The way you present information is really important, something I keep learning over and over.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Table Planes

This little kimiko frame is going to turn into a table when all is said and done. Making the asanoha hemp leaf pattern for a second time was a lot more successful. I'm planning to paper the underside and then put a piece of glass on the top. We'll see how it turns out. The contrast between walnut and poplar is something I like a lot.

So I made a new plane as well. It's sort of a franken-plane, made up of a myriad of leftover pieces of wood (there's at least three different pieces of oak and a little padauk). It's longer than my 5 1/2 and is intended to work as a jointer. So far it seems to be working quite well, even though it's super ugly. I think it deserves a rebuild, but conceptually it works!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another Hammer

I'm going hammer crazy it seems. Here's another oak mallet that I put together last week. This time I turned the head on my lathe and made a simple handle. The wood is reclaimed oak from the London Winery that I've had kicking around for a couple years now, and is pretty much quarter sawn.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Slab Bench

I'm just about finished this little hallway bench. It features a nice slab of maple and has a drawer that pulls out in the front. I've learned quite a bit about drawers while reading up to build this one. They're quite the complicated thing to build for something that seems so simple. A couple coats of oil and this bench will be out the door. A nice quick project.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

If I had a hammer...

Some days you just feel like hitting things with a really big hammer. My sander and jointer both just bit the dust this week and that meant I wasn't too happy shelling out for parts and wasting my day fixing things. Because of this I built a big Japanese-esque mallet today. The head is quartered oak, with an oak and padauk handle. I got to use my spoke shave to shape the handle, which was really a nice thing to do.

Sometimes I wonder how my personal interpretation of Japanese woodworking relates to the real thing. I'm not too worried about it, I mean I just like building things and they don't have to fit into any tradition or style.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Now that I'm back from Italy I'm getting to work in my workshop with some new ideas. I'm currently working on some new lamps, because I really like lamps. The one below is inspired by the construction of a kayak and will use shoji paper for the screen. It's big! I think it's going to be pretty nice though.

I also just finished up this free standing, columnar lamp. It's made of walnut, curly maple, and mylar. I'm thinking that I might try to put together a little show with some more lamps and maybe get a friend of mine to put up some of his paintings.

I really like the heartwood/sapwood contrast of walnut, it's really a nice wood to work with.