Thursday, October 30, 2008


My friend Mohrgan recently had a maple tree removed from his back yard and decided to get it milled into slabs. The portable bandsaw mill pulled up to his house the other day and we started cutting up his tree on a windy, cold October day. Well Frank, of Franks Planks, actually did all the cutting, but we helped load and push and roll the logs and finished lumber around his front yard. It took about a day to get everything cut and he got a lot of great wood.

For helping him out he's going to give me 4 slabs that we cut from the crotch of the tree. They should provide for some opportunity for incredible results.

I've also got my eye on some more of his large slabs that would be perfect for desks, benches or kitchen tables. I'm working on sketching up some ideas for the y-shaped slabs with a nod to Nakashima's work.

The wood is being sent to the kiln and should be ready in about a month...I can't wait.


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